Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863.


National Archives Microfilm Publication M433, Roll 3
“Manumission Papers, 1857-1863.”

To all whom it may concern be it known that I, Ann Blanchard of Washington County, District of Columbia, for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving ,as well as in consideration of the sum of five dollars, lawful money, to me in hand paid at and before the unsealing & delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, am releasing from slavery, liberated manumitted and set free, and by these presents do hereby release from slavery liberate manumit and set free my slave Mary Taylor aged about forty years, and able and capable to gain a sufficient livelihood and maintenance. And her the said Mary Taylor I do hereby declare to be henceforth free, and forever discharged from all manner of servitude or service to me, my heirs, executors and administrators.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this twentieth day of November eighteen hundred and fifty seven.

Signed sealed &
Del in presence of
Wm. R. Woodward} Ann Blanchard {seal}
H. M. Nance

District of Columbia
Washington County, to wit

On this 20th day of November 1857 before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in and for the county & district aforesaid, personally appeared Ann Blanchard, party grantor in the foregoing deed of manumission and acknowledges the same to be her act and deed, agreeably to the act of assembly in such cases made and provided.

Acknowledged beforeWm. R. Woodward, J. Peace