Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M433, Roll 3
“Manumission Papers, 1857-1863.”
Know all men by these presents that I, John B. Grayson of the County of Prince William and State of Maryland for certain good and lawful causes one thereto moving and in consideration of the payment to me of the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars by William Wright of the State of New Jersey the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby emancipate and set free the following slaves to me belonging: that is to say: woman Mary—aged about 31 years (thirty-one)—the wife of Washington Wood and the two children of said Washington and Mary named respectively Martha about eight years old and Marallina about four years old and do forever discharge the same from servitude to me and my heirs forever.
In witness whereof I have and do hereby set my hand and affix my seal this 15 December 1857.
Signed Sealed and
Delivered in presence of
I. H. Goddard
F. I. Mumphery J. B. Grayson {seal}
District of Columbia
Washington County to wit
I, I. H. Goddard a Justice in & for the county and district aforesaid do hereby certify that John B. Grayson a party to a certain deed bearing date the 15th day of December in the year 1857 and hereto annexed personally appeared before me in my said county being proved to my satisfaction as the person who executed the said deed and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed.
Given under my hand & seal this 15th day of December in the year 1857.
I. H. Goddard J. P. {seal}