Transcribed from “Information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith,” 28th Congress, 2d. Session, S. Doc. 150, serial 458.

Emigrants to Liberia Home

Ship Maripose’s Company, arrived at Monrovia August 21, 1842 

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Names Age State or place from which they emigrated Free born or otherwise Emancipated in view of emigrating to Liberia and by whom Where located on their arrival in the colony Extent of education Profession Date of death Cause of death Removed to what place Removal date
Samuel Dickson* 32 East Tennessee Caldwell Farmer 1843 Fever
Amanda Dickson* 31 do do Spells
Martha Dickson* 12 do do do C. Palmas 1843
Nathan Dickson* 10 do do do
George Dickson* 8 do do do C. Palmas 1843
Ramsay Dickson* 4 do do
James Dickson* 6 do do
Henry Dickson* 2 do do
Edekiah Inman* 56 do do Reads Farmer 1843 Fever
Flora Inman* 50 do do 1843 Fever
Narcissa Inman* 3 do do
Vina Dorothy* 40 do do 1843 Childbirth
Rhody Dorothy* 12 do do C. Palmas 1843
William C. Dorothy* 10 do do C. Palmas 1843
Houston Dorothy* 8 do do
Eagleton Dorothy* 4 do do
Wash. Stevenson 35 do Mr. Stevenson do Farmer 1843 Diseased lungs
Alexander Stevenson do do do do 1843 Fever
Calvin Stevenson 26 do do do do
Maria Stevenson 22 do do do
Robert Stevenson 1 do do do 1843 Fever
Richard Lucky 55 do S. Lucky, Esq. Monrovia Carpenter 1842 Fever
Mary Lucky 45 do Widow Anderson do 1842 Fever
Ruth Lucky 19 do S. Lucky, Esq. do
Bacchus Ray 49 do S. Ray, Esq. do 1842 Fever
Maria Ray 49 do do do 1842 Fever
Edmund Ray 10 do do do 1843 Fever
William Ray 8 do do do
Nancy Ray 7 do do do 1843 Fever
Christopher Campbell 21 do Free born do Carpenter
Martha Campbell 20 do do do 1843 Fever
Louisa Campbell 2 do do do 1842 Fever
James Johnson 32 do do Caldwell Carpenter
Abigail Johnson 23 do do do
Mary Johnson 4 do do do
George Johnson 2 do do do
Alfred Thomson 24 do do Monrovia Writes Tailor
Susanna Thomson 20 do do do Seamstress
Elbert Thomson 12 do do do Spells
Edward Anderson do Judge Anderson Caldwell Reads Farmer
Rachel Anderson do do
Peter Pray* 55 do do do do 1842 Fever
Elizabeth Pray* 40 do do do
Lucinda Pray* 11 do do Spells
Edward Pray* 8 do do
Polly Thomas 20 do Free born Monrovia
James Thomas 3 do do do
Jesse Gillaspy 37 do Mr. Ferguson Caldwell Shoe maker
Joseph Clenin 19 do Free born do
Thomas Seviere 25 do do Farmer
Joshua Bell 28 do Free born do Reads Shoe maker 1842 Fever
Hannah Bell 27 do R. Seviere, Esq. do do
Jacob Bell 12 do Free born do do 1843 Fever
Nazel Bell 6 do do do
Charles Bell 5 do do do
Allen Bell 27 do do do do Farmer 1842 Fever
Sarah Bell 18 do do do
Narcissa Bell 5 do do do 1842 Fever
Malinda Bell 4 do do do 1843 Fever
Susanna Bell 2 do do do
Henry Wade* 46 do do do Reads Carpenter
Caroline Wade 12 do Free born do Spells
Yansey Valentine 24 do do do Goree 1843
Sarah Valentine 21 do do do
William Ripley 45 do do do S. Leone 1843
William Dedrick* 60 do Monrovia Blacksmith
Frances Dedrick* 48 do do 1842 Fever
Ellen Dedrick* 19 do do
George Dedrick* 17 do do Blacksmith Country 1843
Martha Dedrick* 12 do do 1842 Fever
Eleanor Dedrick* 15 do do
Henry Dedrick* 80 do do Farmer 1842 Fever and age
Julian Harris 19 do Free born Caldwell Reads
Mary Kennedy 16 do do do do
Robert Kennedy 12 do do do do
Lucinda Preston 55 Virginia General Preston do 1843 Fever and age
Mary Preston 35 do do do
Henry Preston 18 do do do Spells
Abraham Blackledge 33 South Carolina Dr. Thos. Blackledge do
Ellen Blackledge 31 do do do
Maria Blackledge 12 do do do do
Tobias Blackledge 5 do do do
Dink Blackledge 2 do do do
Mary Blackledge 3 do do do
Willis Houston 27 Iowa Free born do Barber
Marinda Houston 20 do do do
Comey Houston 2 do do do
Marville H. Smith 33 Illinois do do Writes Farmer
Delila Smith 29 do do do
Emeline Smith 8 do do do
Elvira Smith 6 do do do
William B. Smith 4 do do do 1842 Fever
Orleans Smith 2 do do do
Jonah Smith 1 do do do
Caesar Leaper 57 do do do 1842 Fever
Mary Leaper 30 do do do 1843 Fever
Nancy Leaper 10 do do do 1842 Fever
Manda Leaper 8 do do do 1842 Feaver
James Leaper 6 do do do
Allen Leaper 2 do do do
Edward Leaper, inf. do do do 1842 Unknown

*Purchased their freedom