1850 Surry County, Virginia Slave Census
(number next to name is the number of slaves owned)

William Adams, 7
John Adams, 5
William Allen, 29
William Allen, 162
Beauford Andrews, 1
Charlotte Anson, 5
John Armistead, 1
Joseph Atkinson, 2
Timothy Atkinson, 14
William Atkinson, 10
Archibald Atkinson, 26
John Avery, 96
William Bage, 2
George Bailey, 6
Joseph Bailey, 1
Augusta Bailey, 13
James Banks, 21
Thomas Barham, 2
Joseph Barham, 5
Nancy Barham, 13
John Baugh, 10
Mrs. Bell, 4
Elizabeth Bell, 8
Benjamin Bell, 9
Thomas Bell, 5
James Bell, 7
James Bell, 1
Flavius Bell, 3
James Bennet, 1
Lucy Bennett, 2
Robert Bergman, 2
William Bergman, 5
Milton Bevan, 20
Elizabeth Biggen, 1
Henry Bishop, 5
Ann Bishop, 18
William Black, 1
Walter Booth, 7
David Booth, 24
Mary Booth, 1
Samuel Booth, 28
Julian Branch, 4
Sally Brown, 1
Benjamin Brown, 5
Thomas Burgess, 9
Milipa Burt, 2
Samuel Burt, 3
William Burt, 34
John Carson, 15
William Carter, 20
Edward Charles, 2
Thomas Charles, 5
Joseph Cheatham, 1
William Clanton, 10
Sarah Clarke, 3
E.W. Clary, 2
William Clements, 12
Philafe St. George Cocke, 18
William Cocke, 2
A.B. Cocke, 2
Robert Cocke, 5
John Cocke, 1
Isaac Cofer, 10
Mary Cofer, 4
Ishmael Coker, 1
William Cole, 21
John Cole, 14
George Collier, 2
Nancy Collier, 1
William Cornwell, 1
William Cullond, 7
John Davies, 4
John Davis, 4
Powhaten Davis, 6
John Deal, 17
Jeremiah Deek, 1
Peyton Deek, 3
Samuel Denby, 1
William Dillard, 41
Joseph Edloe, 1
A.S. Edwards, 5
William Edwards, 3
William Edwards, 27
Cornelius Ellis, 3
Bolling Ellis, 24
Silas Emery, 1
Harriet Epps, 1
Wyatt Faison, 2
Alexander Faison, 20
Robert Faison, 5
John Fatchett, 6
Jacob Faulcon, 5
John Faulcon, 20
William Faulcon, 9
William Finch, 18
Humphrey Garret, 3
Robert Gill, 9
Leroy Goodrich, 1
Charles Goodrich, 22
Albert Goodrich, 3
Charles Graves, 2
Joseph Graves, 15
John Graves, 1
Joseph Gwaltney, 3
John Gwaltney, 9
William Gwaltney, 9
Wyatt Hancock, 23
John Hankins, 76
William Hankins, 45
Joseph Hargrove, 2
Catherine Hargrove, 2
John Harris, 1
Thomas Harris, 4
Richard Harris, 22
Thomas Harrison, 3
Alexander Harrison, 5
Henry Hart, 14
Nicholas Hart, 8
Polly Hasty, 4
Thomas Hines, 13
Arthur Holliman, 17
Albina Holliman, 30
Alexander Holloway, 1
Paris Holt, 12
Charity Holt, 7
A.W. Hunnicutt, 5
Emanuel Jones, 38
Ann Jones, 10
Albert Jones, 34
William Jones, 18
Bolling Jones, 37
Henry Judkins, 1
Mary Lamb, 19
Cleora Land, 18
John Lane, 6
Wyatt Lane, 6
Kezia Lane, 3
Nancy Lane, 2
Mary Lane, 3
Sucky Lane, 2
James Long, 4
Patrick Love, 1
Patsy Macklin, 1
Eldridge Madderd, 25
Elizabeth Marks, 1
William Martin, 4
Henry Mason, 30
Elsy Matthews, 1
Mary Maynard, 8
Theophilus Maynard, 2
John McAllister, 1
James Miller, 4
Blanks Moody, 2
Elizabeth Orgain, 4
Martha Orgain, 2
William Parker, 1
James Perkins, 2
Richard Perry, 6
Sarah Peter, 46
John Pleasant, 17
James Plund, 1
Hawkins Pond, 30
Susan Pond, 2
Mary Pond, 2
Richard Powell, 1
Joseph Pretlow, 15
Samuel Price, 3
Patsy Pyland, 1
Polly Ring, 3
Elizabeth Ring, 5
Willint Roberts, 9
William Robertson, 50
James Rowell, 10
William Ruffin, 29
Louisa Ruffin, 4
Francis Ruffin, Jr., 26
Nicholas Savedge, 3
Acrill Savedge, 17
Jones Seward, 3
Pleasent Sheffield, 3
Mio Shelly, 3
Amos Sledge, 20
Powhaten Sledge, 9
Merit Sledge, 20
John Smith, 4
William Spratley, 5
Cornelia Spratley, 12
B. Spratley, 13
William Spratley, 16
Simon Spratley, 2
Peter Spratley, 23
Charlotte Stainback, 1
Doila Stewart, 6
Henry Sykes, 9
T. W. Taylor, 1
Travis Taylow, 17
Rebecca Thompson, 1
Willis Thompson, 1
James Tynes, 1
William Underwood, 8
John Velvin, 15
James Warren, 1
Patsey Warren, 6
George Wasp, 1
John Watkins, 25
Elizabeth Watkins, 21
William West, 20
Thomas West, 2
Edwin White, 56
Edwin White, 4
Joseph Wilhart, 10
John Williams, 1
John Williams, 2
Mary Williamson, 10
John Wilson, 34
R.R. Wilson, 9
James Wilson, 45
Dr. George Wilson, 24