Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

3101 items found  (Total items:3101)
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Page 1 of 311
Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsJuly 15, 1862956Nathan Prather3Harriet Stewart$500.00   240.9
DetailsJuly 15, 1862954Elizabeth Boliver2Maria Book$400.00   87.6
DetailsJuly 15, 1862954Elizabeth Boliver2Sandy Book-----------  613.2
DetailsJuly 15, 1862955Ann E. Jones1Magdelene$700.00   306.6
DetailsJuly 15, 1862956Nathan Prather3William M. Cubbins$200.00   109.5
DetailsJuly 15, 1862957Ann Sheehy1Harriet Jackson$800.00   197.1
DetailsJuly 15, 1862959Allison Nailor6William Johnson$5,400.00 for all 6  -------------
DetailsJuly 15, 1862958Joseph t. Mitchell1Anna Timms$100.00   No value
DetailsJuly 15, 1862953Virginia Bell, Esthern
Ellen Bell, Virginia
Caroline Bell
4Sally$4,700.00 for all 4  547.5
DetailsJuly 15, 1862956Nathan Prather3Nathan Long$1,200.00   569.4
