Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

3101 items found  (Total items:3101)
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Page 3 of 311
Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsJuly 15, 1862962Albert B. Berry by
Benjamin Berry, Benjamin
3Alice Lee$400.00   65.7
DetailsJuly 15, 1862962Albert B. Berry by
Benjamin Berry, Benjamin
3Maria Lee$1,200.00   438
DetailsMay 21, 1862353Alex T. Bully2Alice Fairfax800.00 for both  65.7
DetailsMay 21, 1862353Alex T. Bully2Sarah Fairfax800.00 for both  481.8
DetailsJune 16, 1862682Alexander A. Green2Ann Brooks500  109.5
DetailsJune 16, 1862682Alexander A. Green2Jerre Simms1000  525.6
DetailsJuly 5, 1862878Alexander Davis and
Martha A. Davis, his wife
4Fanny$3,000.00 for all 4  109.5
DetailsJuly 5, 1862878Alexander Davis and
Martha A. Davis, his wife
4Eugene$3,000.00 for all 4  153.3
DetailsJuly 5, 1862878Alexander Davis and
Martha A. Davis, his wife
4Julia$3,000.00 for all 4  219
DetailsJuly 5, 1862878Alexander Davis and
Martha A. Davis, his wife
4Harriet Louisa McLain$3,000.00 for all 4  394.2
