Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

3101 items found  (Total items:3101)
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Page 308 of 311
Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsJune 21, 1862756Helen L. Ivy2Lucinda Sewall$500.00 for both  No value
DetailsMay 27, 1862482William B. Kibbey,
Assignee of John Hoover
7Charles500  No value
DetailsMay 28, 1862495Samuel Whitaker1Charlotte Gover250  No value
DetailsMay 28, 1862501William Nottingham2Charles Green700.00 for both  No Value
DetailsMay 28, 1862505Joseph W. Webb, guardian
of Sarah G. Anderson
5Charles900  No value
DetailsMay 28, 1862525Thomas W. Riley5Alexander Martin400  No value
DetailsJune 2, 1862575William L. Colquhorn1James Dyson200  No value
DetailsJune 2, 1862591Susanna G. Hansbow3Leonard Taylor2000.00 for all  No value
DetailsJune 3, 1862616Caroline E. Sanders17Henry 500  No value
DetailsJune 6, 1862644Sarah Forrest4Richard Marshal300  No value
