An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 130 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Griffin & PullumPhebe Wilson 16 BrownLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 185999
Griffin & PullumAmelia  23 YellowLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Griffin & PullumDavid Do 18 BlackLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Griffin & PullumEliza 13 BlackLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Griffin & PullumGreen 24 BlackLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Griffin & PullumLawrey 23 BlackLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Griffin & PullumMariam 17 BlackLewis C Robards, Wm J
Hawkins, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 11 1859100
Henry HarrisCharles (belonging to Wm
W. Smith)
 0  Thomas A. Allen, William
Smith, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyOct 4 1859101
Henry HarrisMary (former slave of
John Hall)
 0  J A Glass, John Hall,
KentuckyShelbyNov 4 1859101
Henry HarrisCharles (a slave of Cul
Fore of Shelby Co.,KY)
 0  W D Bowland, Lud Fore,
KentuckyShelbyNov 2 1859102
