Various Virginia Mortality Schedules     Search   Export to CSV

818 items found  (Total items:818)
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Page 12 of 82
Year   County   Name   Age   Sex   Color   Free or Slave   Married or Widow   Birth   Month Died   Occupation   Cause   Days Ill  
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Mary A. West10FemaleBlackFree  FEB Measles
1860Surry CountyAntonet Brown10FemaleMulattoFree VirginiaApril Hooping Cough
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Unnamed10 daysFemaleBlackSlave  MAR Head fall
1860Isle of Wight CountySlave Milly100FBS VirginiaFeb. Old age
1860Charles City CountyCharity100FemaleBlackSlave VirginiaMarch Old Age
1860Accomack CountyAbigail Smith103FemaleWhite   JAN Consumption
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Thedoric Hornsby103MaleBlackSlave  JANFarm laborerUnknown
1860Isle of Wight CountySlave Salley105FBS VirginiaOct. Old age8
1860Gloucester CountyWm. B. Newcomb11M   VirginiaOct. Diphtheria3 weeks
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Rachel J. Turner11FemaleWhite   JUN Consumption
