Various Virginia Mortality Schedules     Search   Export to CSV

818 items found  (Total items:818)
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Page 25 of 82
Year   County   Name   Age   Sex   Color   Free or Slave   Married or Widow   Birth   Month Died   Occupation   Cause   Days Ill  
1860Isle of Wight CountyHenry P. Wilson12-MayM   VirginiaSept. Bronchitis42
1860Isle of Wight CountyAntonet Haucum12-MayF   VirginiaJune Unknown14
1860Isle of Wight CountyHenry12-NovMBS VirginiaSept Typhoid fever60
1860Isle of Wight CountyRobert12-NovMBS VirginiaAugust Typhoid fever60
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Venus Hyslop12-NovFemaleBlackSlave  MAR Dropsy
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Fanny Snead12-NovFemaleWhite   SEP Whooping cough
1860Accomack CountyWilliam P. Chesser12-OctMaleWhite   JUN Cholera infantile
1860Surry CountyInfant12-OctFemaleBlackSlave VirginiaMay Unknown
1860Surry CountyAllis Hargrove12-OctFemaleWhite  VirginiaMarch Croup
1860Accomack CountyWilliam F. Mason12-OctMaleWhite   JUL Unknown
