Deborah Bartley said her family always wondered why she liked sugar so much. Or why she always wanted to spend time near the water. Or even why she decorated her home...
Read moreCongresswoman takes heroic freedmen stance
Cherokee Nation Chief Chad Smith and his supporters denounced HR 2824 by U.S. Rep. Diane Watson, D-Calif. The bill is designed to strip federal funding from the tribe...
Read moreAfrican refugees in 1860 burial site remembered in Key West
A recent Black History Month event in Key West honored victims at an oceanfront burial site believed to be the only African refugee cemetery in the United States. The...
Read moreMany Resources Available For Tracking Slave Ancestors
African-Americans have been celebrating their heritage throughout February as a part of Black History Month. For those who have shied away from searching for their...
Read moreCanada still a land of hope & freedom
I COULD feel ghosts swirling through the cold December air. In front of me was the modest grave of John Freeman Walls, a former slave who had escaped to Canada...
Read moreFormer student shares story of royal ancestry
Artemus Gaye knew he descended from slaves, but it took a civil war in his native Liberia, eight trips to Mississippi and years of research to discover he is also...
Read moreSouthern Indiana woman is on a mission to identify unmarked African-American cemeteries
In her hands are dowsing rods; in her coat pocket are a screwdriver, wooden craft sticks and a red and a blue pen. The red pen is to mark female graves, the blue is...
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