Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M433, Roll 3
“Manumission Papers, 1857-1863.”
District of Columbia
County of Washington
On this 2nd day of December 1857 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and of said County Enoch Burnett to me well known and made oath in due form of law: That a Alexander Jones a Negro belonging to the estate of Ann Camalon Decd. late of the city of Washington D. C. has become of true and lawful age and according to the will of said Ann Camalon Decd. of whose estate I am the administrator is entitled to his freedom and free papers and a release from all service as a slave.
Enoch Burnett
Sworn and subscribed to before me the day and year aforesaid.
John Hollingshead J. P.