Dist. Court of the U. S. for the Dist. of Col. Clerk of the Court “Fugitive Slave Cases, 1862,” May 15-19, 1862 (By file date or affidavit)

Original papers in fugitive slave cases before the Circuit Court of the U.S. for the District of Columbia consisting of claimants petitions, affidavits for arrest of fugitive slaves, warrants of arrest, depositions, court orders to deliver fugitive slaves to claimants, and related papers.

Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Publication M433 “Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863, Roll 3.

Benjamin O. Scheckells vs. George Washington Hawkins Style of Court In the records of proceedings of the said court amongst others, is the following, to wit:

In re: George Washington Hawkins a fugitive from labor from the District of Columbia Be it remembered that at the present term of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for an County of Washington–Benjamin O. Sheckells by Charles S. Wallach Esq. his solicitor filed in court here his petition in the words and of the tenor following to wit: (here unseal petition) Whereupon the court made the following order in the premises to wit: Upon which said petition of Benjamin O. Sheckells, a citizen of the United States and of the District of Columbia, and resident therein, claimant as therein set forth, competent and credible witnesses were sworn and examined in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia on the 17th Oct 1859 who testified and proved to the satisfaction of said court that George Washington Hawkins, a bright mulatto man, aged about thirty three years about five feet ten inches high with a scar about an inch in length on his forehead is the slave for life of the said petitioner Sheckell, and owes service and labor to the said Sheckells, that said mulatto slave escaped from the service of said Sheckells in the District of Columbia out of said District, and is now in some other State or Territory of the United States, which, said facts so proved, the said Circuit Court of the District of Columbia this 117th Oct. 1859 orders sand directs to be recorded and a copy of said record, duly attested by the clerk of said Court under the seal of said Court to be furnished to the petitioner Sheckells, he Sheckells paying therefor the accustomed legal fees.

By order of the Court Test.

Jno. A. Smith, Clk District of Columbia Washington County, to wit:

I John Smith, clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full true and perfect transcript of all the proceedings had in the said Court in the matter of George Washington Hawkins, a fugitive from labor owing service to Benjamin O. Sheckells, taken from the records of the proceeding of said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court this 18th day of October A. D. 1859.

Jno. A. Smith, Clerk District of Columbia—-

I James Dunlap Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia certify that the above attestation of John A. Smith, clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington is in due form.

Given under my hand this 18th day of October 1859.

A citizen of the United States & of the District of Columbia & resident therein Upon which said petition of Shekells, claimant as therein set forth, competent and credible witnesses, were sworn and examined, in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia on the 17th Oct 1859, who testified and proved to the satisfaction of said Court, that _______________ a bright mulatto man aged about thirty three years, about five feed ten inches high, with a scar about an inch in length on his forehead, is the slave for life of the said petitioner Shekells, and owes service and labor to the said Shekells, that said mulatto slave escaped from the service of said Shekells, in the District of Columbia, out of said District, and is now in some other State or Territory of the United States, which said facts so proved, the said Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, this 17th Oct 1859 orders & directs to be recorded, and a copy of said record, duly attested by the clerk of said Court, under the seal of said Court, to be furnished to the petitioner Shekells, he Shekells paying the accustomed legal fees.

By Order of the Court 12.00 3.00