Dist. Court of the U. S. for the Dist. of Col. Clerk of the Court “Fugitive Slave Cases, 1862,” May 15-19, 1862 (By file date or affidavit)


Original papers in fugitive slave cases before the Circuit Court of the U.S. for the District of Columbia consisting of claimants petitions, affidavits for arrest of fugitive slaves, warrants of arrest, depositions, court orders to deliver fugitive slaves to claimants, and related papers.

Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Publication M433 “Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863, Roll 3.

Power of Atty. to Claim Fugitive Slave

Know all men by these presents that I A. B. of Washn Co. D. C. for divers good causes and considerations me/I hereunto moving have nominated, constituted and appointed and by these presents do inasmuch constitute and appoint C. D. of the city of Washn to be my true and lawful attorney in fact, for me and in my name, to pursue and reclaim arrest and take possession of my mulatto slave named Bill Diggs, a fugitive slave, owing service and labor as such slave to me the said A. B. And for me and in my name to calim and exercise all the rights and powers in the premises which belong to me as the owner of said fugitive slave; and for me and in my name to institute prosecuti and defend all and every the necessary legal proceedings for the reclaiming and taking possession of my said fugitive slave: Hereby ratifying and confirming all and singular the lawful rits of my said Attorney on the premises:

Witness my hand and seal this 1st April 1851. A. B. {seal} Ack before a Judge