Dist. Court of the U. S. for the Dist. of Col. Clerk of the Court “Fugitive Slave Cases, 1862,” May 15-19, 1862 (By file date or affidavit)

Original papers in fugitive slave cases before the Circuit Court of the U.S. for the District of Columbia consisting of claimants petitions, affidavits for arrest of fugitive slaves, warrants of arrest, depositions, court orders to deliver fugitive slaves to claimants, and related papers.

Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Publication M433 “Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863, Roll 3.

William Clarke vs. Glenn Sophia Kitty Isabel Amanda Stacia Michael Ernest District of Columbia, to wit:

On this twenty seventh day of April A. D. 1863 before me the subscriber an associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia personally appeared William Clarke a citizen of Prince George County, in the state of Maryland and made oath according to law that he is the lawful owner and possessor of the slaves hereinafter named, to wit: Glenn about seventeen years of age; Sophia about sixty five; Kitty about thirty; Isabel about twenty five; Amanda about seven; Stacia about five; Michael about two years old and Ernest about nine months old, a child of the above named Isabel. That the said slaves are slaves for life, owing service and labor under the laws of the said State to this affiant: that the said slaves were in the possession of this affiant in the said State until the night of the 25th of April instant when they absconded from the said possession, without this affiant’s knowledge or consent and against his will, and fled to this District, where he has reason to believe, and does believe they now are fugitives; and he prays process under the Fugitive Slave Law. And this affiant further swears that he has not borne arms against the United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid and comfort thereto.

Sworn before Geo. P. Fisher Jus. Sup. Ct. Dist. Co.