National Archive Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 434
Habeas Corpus Case Records of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Columbia 1820 – 1863
Roll 1 – 1820 – 1843
Habeas Corpus for Isaack Franklin and Levi Snow
To the Hon. William Cranch, Chief Judge of the District of Columbia
The petition of Isaack Franklin and Levi Snow, respectfully represents that they are now unlawfully confined in the prison of Washington County in the District of Columbia being thereth committed by John Chalmers a Justice of the Peace as runaway slaves, they now having evidence of their freedom respectfully beg that you will grant them the benefit of the United States writ of habeas corpus and in duty bound will ever pray.
July 25th, 1831
Isaack (X) Franklin
Levi (X) Snow
District of Columbia
The United States of America, to wit,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia greetings, you are hereby commanded that you have the bodies of Isaack Franklin and Levi Snow who are in your custody as it is said by whatever names they may be called in the same, together with the cause of their commitment, before the Honble. William Cranch, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia at his chambers in the City Hall in the County of Washington in the said district, tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9 o’clock a.m. to do, receive, and submit to what shall then and there be considered of them in this behalf and have then and there this writ with your doings thereon.
Witness the Hn. Wm. Cranch Chief Judge of the said Court this 25th day of July 1831.
W. Brent, Clk
Signed by my order
25th July 1831
W. Cranch