National Archive Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 434
Habeas Corpus Case Records of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Columbia 1820 – 1863
Roll 1 – 1820 – 1843
Habeas Corpus for Sally Jones, aka Negro Jane
United States to the Marshall of the District of Columbia, greeting
You are commanded that you have the body of a Negro, Sally Jones otherwise called Negro Jane, in your custody as it is said together with the cause of her capture and detention by whatever name she may be called therein, before William Cranch Chief Judge of the District of Columbia, immediately at his chambers in the City Hall in the city of Washington to do, submit to, and receive what shall then and there be considered of her in this behalf and have you then and there this writ with the doings thereon.
Witness William Cranch Chief Judge as aforesaid the 9th day of July 1850.
Wm. Brent, Clk
Signed by order
W. Cranch
In obedience to the within writ I have the body of the within named Negro Jane as I have am commanded & certify that the cause of her detention is a warrant of commitment by Jno. Chalmers Esqr. stating her to be the slave of B. E. Harrison which warrant is here produced – and that she is detained for no other cause & returns.
R. R. Burr for Tench Ringgold, Marshal
The within named Sally Jones otherwise called Negro Jane having been brought before me by virtue of the written writ and being satisfied by the oath of Wm. H. Dundas that she is a free woman and never was the slave of the said B. E. Harrison, you are I have commanded the Marshal to discharge her from her imprisonment and she is thereupon discharged in my presence.
W. Cranch
9th July 1830