Transcribed from “Information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith,” 28th Congress, 2d. Session, S. Doc. 150, serial 458.

Emigrants to Liberia Home

Ship Elizabeth’s company, arrived at Sierra Leone March 9, 1820

Names Age State or place from which they emigrated Free born or otherwise Where located on their arrial in the colony Extent of education Profession Date of death Cause of death Removed to what place Removal date Removal Cause
John Adams 40 Free born Reads Farmer U.S. 1821
Isaac Alexander 29 do do 1822 Drowning
Minty Alexander 25 do None 1839 Diseased Brain
James Alexander 1 do 1820 Fever
—Alexander, infant do 1830 Fever
William Amy 30 New York do U.S. 1821 Desertion
John Augustine 30 Philadelphia do 1820 Fever
Mary Augustine 4 do do 1820 Fever
Nancy Augustine 25 do do 1820 Fever
Mary Augustine 2 do do 1820 Fever
–Augustine, infant do do 1820 Unknown
Parris Bennet 21 New York do Tailor S. Leone 1822 Disappointm’t.
Nelly Binks 30 do do Nurse 1820 Fever
Joseph Blake 33 Philadelphia do Ship Carpenter S. Leone 1837
Nathaniel Brander 21 Virginia do Writes &c.
Richard Butler 19 New York do Reads 1820 Fever
William Butler 15 do do do 1824 Drowning
Nace Butler 66 Washington, D. C. do do Carpenter 1824 Drowning
Nancy Butler 26 do do do 1834 Female Disease
Thomas Camaran 45 New York do Potter U.S 1822
Ann Camaran 25 do do 1820 Fever
William Camaran 19 do do U.S 1822 His father
Thomas Camaran, jr. 5 do do U.S 1822 His father
Ann Camaran, infant New York do U.S 1822 Her father
Henry Cain 40 Philadelphia do 1824 Decline
Charlotte Cain 22 do do 1821 Fever
Henrietta Cain 1 do do 1821 Fever
York Carey 22 do do S. Leone 1822
Wilson Carey 30 do do do 1822
Elizabeth Carey 29 do do 1820 Fever
Elizabeth Carey 2 do do do 1822 With father
Julian Carey 1 do do do 1822 With father
Daniel Coker* 35 Maryland Liberal School Teacher do 1822
Solomon Clark 40 New York do Writes do 1821
Francis Cressy 50 do do do
Lewis Crook 30 do do Reads Farmer 1835 Decline
Matsy Crook 29 do do do Seamstress 1836 Decline
Maria Crook 12 do do do 1822 Fever
Eliza Crook 3 do do
Jonathan Dickson 34 do do do Farmer S. Leone 1822
Susan Dickson 30 do do do do 1822 Her husband
John Fisher 30 do do do Smith do 1822
Sally Fisher 23 do do None do 1822
John Fisher, jr. 1 do do do 1822
Charles Francis 46 Virginia do Farmer 1826 Unknown
Nancy Francis 45 do do 1820 Fever
Hannah Francis 20 do do S. Leone 1822
Emily Francis 18 do do Reads do 1822
Lucinda Francis 16 do do do do 1822
Lewis Francis 10 do do None 1838 Unknown
Abigail Francis 6 do do do 1833 Childbirth do 1822
Terra Hall 55 Philadelphia do Hatter U. S. 1822
Rachel Jackson 20 New York do
Edward Jackson 19 do do Turner do 1836
Jane Jackson 17 do do 1834 Unknown
Eliza Jackson 12 do do do
Allen James 29 Philadelphia do Writes Carpenter 1830 Unknown
Frederick James 29 do do do do 1834 Decline
Elijah Johnson 29 New York do Reads
Mary Johnson 20 do do do 1820 Fever
Lewis Johnson 10 do do do 1838 Unknown
Charles Johnson 8 New York Free born Reads
Elizabeth Johnson 2 do do Good
David Lee 55 Virginia do Writes
John Lawrence 28 New York do None Sherbro 1821
Henrietta Lawrence 24 do do do 1839 Decline
Mary A. Lawrence 2 do do do 1835 Decline
William Milton 22 do do Writes S. Leone 1822
Eliphalet Newport 19 do do Writes, &c. Farmer 1820 Consumption
Sarah Newport 40 do do do 1820 Fever
Ralph Newport 17 do do do 1833 Drowning
Nathaniel Peck 22 Maryland do do U. S. 1821
Edward Wigfall 23 Philadelphia do Writes U. S. 1821
Francis Posey 26 New York do do Shoemaker S. Leone 1821
Lucy Posey 30 do do do do 1821
John Revey 19 do do do do 1821
Peter Small 26 Philadelphia do do do 1821
Elizabeth Small 24 do do Reads do 1821
Amelia Small 2 do do do 1821
John Smith 40 do do None Farmer Fever
Sarah Smith 25 do do do Unknown
Edward Smith 15 do do do 1831 Pleurisy
Sarah H. Smith 3 do do do 1823 Decline
–Smith, infant do do do 1821 Decline
Matilda Spencer 25 do do do 1837 Pleurisy
Thomas Spencer 32 do do do 1822 Casualty-shot.