Transcribed from “Information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith,” 28th Congress, 2d. Session, S. Doc. 150, serial 458.

Emigrants to Liberia Home

Ship Hercules’s company, arrived at Monrovia January 16, 1833.

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Names Age State or place from which they emigrated Free born or otherwise Emancipated in view of emigrating to Liberia and by whom Where located on their arrial in the colony Extent of education Profession Date of death Cause of death Removed to what place Removal date
Daniel Johnston 38 South Carolina Freeborn Monrovia Writes Blacksmith 1841 Diseased lungs
Mary L. Johnston 23 do do Reads Mantuamaker.
Angeline Johnston 4 do do.
Georgianna Johnston 2 do do.
Johnston, inf. do do 1831 Fever.
Edward Johnston 45 do do Carpenter
Harry Johnston 37 do do do.
Maria Johnston 40 do do.
Ceasar Johnston 14 do do 1839 Drowning.
Daniel Johnston 15 do do S. Leone 1838
Peter Ward 31 do do Writes Cabinet maker 1833 Fever.
Sarah Ward 23 do do do Mantuamaker.
William Ward 7 do do do Reads.
Henrietta Ward 5 do do do Spells 1842 Anas. exantha.
BenWard 3 do do 1842 Anas. exantha.
Peter Ward, jr. 1 do do do.
J. B. Gripon 24 do do do Writes Carpenter.
Thomas C. Brown, jr. 32 do do do do Carpenter U. S. 1835
Mary Brown 22 do do do do Mantuamaker U. S. 1835
Samuel Brown 4 do do do U. S. 1835
Thomas C. Brown 2 do do do 1831 Fever.
Susan Vesey 41 do do do Laundress U. S. 1835
Diana Vesey 14 do do do Writes U. S. 1841
John Anthony 24 do do do do Carpenter 1833 Fever.
Eliza Anthony 22 do . do do do 1833 Fever.
James Huger 23 do do do do Tailor 1833 Sun stroke.
Charles Henry 38 do do do do 1833 Fever.
Frances A. Henry 38 do . do do Reads 1833 Fever.
Charles Henry 12 do do do do.
Mary Henry 8 do do do Spells — — S. Leone 1839
Abraham Rogers 54 do do do Writes Shoe maker 1833 Fever.
Sibby Rogers 55 do do do Reads Laundress 1836 Diseased lungs.
Mary Rogers 24 do do do Writes Seamstress.
Sarah Rogers 33 do do do do Laundress 1833 Fever.
John Jamison 36 do do do Farmer.
Henry Jamison 14 do do do Reads Wheelwright 1832 Anasarca.
Zenah Jainison 10 do do do do 1831 Anasarca.
Pharoah Moses 61 do do do Stone mason S. Leone 1836
Sylvia Moses 50 do do do Laundress S. Leone 1836
Rachel Moses 11 do do do Mantuamaker S. Leone 1836
Anthony Moses 11 do do do S. Leone 1836
Carolos Smith 40 do do do Writes Farmer 1833 Fever.
Catharine Smith 36 do do do do Mantuamaker 1833 Fever.
Mary Smith 15 do do do do Mantuamaker 1843 Consumption.
Robert McKinley 14 do do do Spells S. Leone 1839
Margaret Smith 13 do . do do do 1833 Fever
Ann Smith 10 .do do do do.
James Smith 8 do do do do.
Dorothy Smith 6 do do do do.
Catharine Smith 4 do do do.
Carolos Smith 2 do do do.
George Baxter 35 do do do Reads Millwright.