ROLL OF EMIGRANTS THAT HAVE BEEN SENT TO THE COLONY OF LIBERIA, WESTERN AFRICA, BY THE AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY AND ITS AUXILIARIES, TO SEPTEMBER, 1843, &cTranscribed from “Information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith,” 28th Congress, 2d. Session, S. Doc. 150, serial 458.

Emigrants to Liberia Home

Persons that have removed to the colony at their own charge, and those that have obtained their discharge from trading vessels, desiring to reside in the colony.

Names Age Names of vessels in which they arrived, or from which they were discharged. Date Where from Where located Extent of education Profession Date of Death Cause of Death Place of Removal Date of Removal
Lewis Farnandez* 30 Ship Cyrus 1824 Port au Prince Monrovia None Seaman
Alexander De Bross* 30 Brig Doris 1827 Maryland do Reads do U. States 1831
Thomas Wilson 32 Unknown 1829 New York do do do do 1829
J. B. Russwurm 35 Brig Susan 1830 do do Liberal Editor C. Palmas 1834
P. M. Brook* 30 Brig J. Ashmun 1830 Philadelphia do Reads Seaman 1834 Anasarca
C. Miggins* 35 Brig Liberia 1830 do do None do S. Leone 1830
Robert Barnaby* 28 Brig J. Ashmun 1830 do Reads do U. States 1830
Thomas Steamboat* 40 Steamer Quana 1832 London, Eng. N. Georgia None Farmer
Francis Burns 30 Brig S. Elizabeth 1834 New York Monrovia Liberal School Teacher
John Smith* 33 Schooner Caroline 1836 Philadelphia do Reads Seaman
George S. Brown 36 Schooner Portia 1837 New York Caldwell Writes and ciphers School teacher
William Atkins* 28 Brig Mary Jane 1838 do Monrovia Liberal Seaman
Alexander Hudson* 34 Ship Emperor 1839 do do Reads do
Edward Morris* 32 Steamer Royal Albert 1841 London, Eng. do do do
William Johnson* 25 Sch. Edw. Burley 1842 Boston do Writes and ciphers do
William Smith* 27 Brig Herald 1842 Salem do Unknown do

*Obtained their discharge