1850 Division of Peter Davis Negroes found in Warren County, North Carolina Will Book 41, Page 90 and 91.

Contributed by Lori Hunter

In obedience to an order of Court for Warren County made at the November Term 1850, we the undersigned commissioners
met on Monday the 16th day of December and proceeded to divide the negroes belonging to the Estate of Peter R. Davis
deceased as follows (viz):

Lot No 1 To Mr. Pitchfords Children

Simon valued at $850; Willis 800; Sandy 800; Arthur 800; Washington 600; Moses 600; Daniel Sr. 50; Harry 200; Isham
Yancey 275; Mary Grace 400; Hester 530; Minerva 450; Victoria 300; Mary Grace 275; Martha 200; Adam 100; Betsy Ann
100; Ellen 175; Pat 300; Henderson 500; Martha 275; Fanny 200; Spencer 150; Nancy 75; Delia 600; Kemp 150; Robt Pete
75; Jerry 650; Judy 500; Wesley; Saluda; Tom; Agnes 600; Penny 75 –12,225 To Receive 90.80=$12,315.80.

Lot No 2 To John B. Powell

Israel valued at $800; Arthur (C) 900; Alfred 800; Gradison 750; Daniel 750; Gloster 25; Cy 100; Trippe 350; Willis (H) 450;
Nancy 450; Clara 550; Angeline 450; Amanda 350; Britton 225; Ned 150; Willis 75; Sylvia 450; Grace 450; Charles 350;
Delha 200; Ben Jordan 75; Luanna 650; Ransom 150; Polly Dancy 100; Aaron 350; St Paul 200; Ralph 100; Vicey 550; Lilly
175; Peggy 75; Charles 500; Rhoda 50; Little Grace 1; Glasgow 1 –$12352 To Pay 36.20 = $12,315.80.

Lot No 3 To Dr. Steven Davis

Henry valued at $800; Frank 800; Tom 800; Orran 800; Jim 850; Jim Slow 700; Jim Bracey 75; Isham Machlin 300; Lewis
Tarver 200; Jucy Johnson 350; Ephraim 550; Charlotte 450; Phebe 400; Solomon 400; Mary Power 500; William Henry 400;
Haywood 250; Horace 175; Harriet 150; Suckey 350; Frances 300; Hanson 350; Hugh 200; Little Lewis 150; Sarah 75;
Eveline 550; Cyrus 350; Darell 200; Dionicia 150; Phil 650; Eliza Drake 200; Maria Macon 25; Sam Powell 25 — $12475 To
Pay 159.20=$12,315.80.

Lot No 4 to Mrs. Kearneys children

George valued at $850; William 700; Summer 800; Daniel 750; Daniel Hagood 750; Len 600; Dick 150; Joe (oxdriver) 400;
Alexander (B.S.) 200; Eliza 500; Milly 530; Elizabeth 450; Margaret 250; Alexander 200; Tamar 50; Ann 125; Henrietta
Sommerville 1; Polly 500; Sabrina 375; Fanny 350; Toney 225; Esther 200; Jim 400; Aggy 200; Virginia 150; Louisa 500;
Becky 650; Louisa 150; Sarah 100; Mary Cecily 300; Jane 600 John and Hannah 24 –$12,002 To receive

Lot No 5 to William C. Williams

Glasgow valued at $800; Patrick 800; Davy 800; Cuffy 800; Allen 700; Peter 500; Lewis Snow 200; Guilford 400; Aisey
450; Harriet 500; Milly 450; Caswell 450; Winney 215; Cecily Ann 200; Jane 150; Mary 75; Mahala 450; Julia Ann 450;
Charlotte 275; Dick 250; Martha 500; Jim 400; George 300; Henry Macon 225; Thomas 100; Esaw 100; Sally 750; Marcus
Georgia 75; Rebecca 600; Nowell 500; Balaam and Tempe 100 –12,525 to Pay 209.20=$12,315.80.

In the above division Lot 1 assigned to Mrs. Pitchford’s children is to receive $90.80; Lot No. 2 John B. Powell is to pay
$36.20; Lot No. 3 Dr. Stephen Davis is to pay $159.20; Lot 4 Mrs. Kearney’s children is to receive 313.80; Lot no. 5
William C. Williams is to pay 209.20.

December 15th Respectfully submitted Th Carroll, William J. Hawkins, John T. Williams, H.B. Hunter, H. L. Plummer.