Contributed by Denise

The Will of Mary Washington

IN THE NAME OF GOD! AMEN —- I Mary Washington, of Fredericksburg, in the County of Spotsylvania, being in good health, but calling to mind the uncertianty of this Life, and willing to dispose of what remains of my worldly Estate, do make & Publish this my last will, recommending my Soul into the Hands of my Creator, hoping for a remission of all my Sins through the merits & meditation of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind; I dispose of all my worldly Estate as follows:

Imprimis, I give to my Son General George Washington all my Lands on Accokeek Run, in the County of Stafford, & also my Negroe Boy George to him & his heirs forever; also my best bed, bedstead, and Virginia cloth Curtians (the same that stands in my best Room), my quilted blue & white Quilt, & my best dressing Glass.

Item. I give and devise to my Son Charles Washington my Negroe man Tom, to him and his assigns forever.

Item. I give and devise to my Daughter Betty Lewis my Phaeton and my bay Horse.

Item. I give and devise to my Daughter in Law Hannah Washington my purple Cloath cloak lined with Shag.

Item. I give and devise to my grand Son Corbin Washington my Negroe man Frederick, to him and his assigns forever; also eight Silver table Spoons, half of my Crockery ware, and athe blue and white Tea china, with book Case, Oval Table, one Bed, bedstead, one pr. sheets, one pr. blankets and white cotton Counterpaine — two table-cloaths, six red leather Chairs, half my pewter, and one-half of my Iron kitchen Furniture.

Item. I give and devise to my grandson Lawrence Lewis my Negroe wench Lydia, to him and his assigns forever.

Item. I give and devise to my granddaughter Betty Carter my Negroe woman little Bet and her future increase, to her and her assigns forever — also my largest looking Glass, my walnut writing Desk with Drawers, a square dining Table, one Bed, Bedstead, bolster, one pillow, one blanket and pr. sheets, white Virginia Cloth Counterpaine and purple curtians, my red & white tea China, tea Spoons, and the other half of my pewter, Crockery ware, and the remainder of my Iron kitchen Furniture.

Item. I give to my grand Son George Washington my next best dressing Glass, one Bed, Bedstead, bolster, 1 pillow, 1pair sheets, 1 blanket and Counterpaine.

Item. I devise all my wearing apparel to be equally divided between my grand Daughters Betty Carter, Fanny Ball, and Milly Washington — but should my Daughter Betty Lewis fancy any one, tow or three Articles, she is to have them before a division thereof.

Lastly. I nominate and appoint my said Son General George Washington Executor of this my will, and as I owe few or no debts I direct my Executor to give no Security — nor to appraise my Estate, but desire the same may be allotted to my Devisees with as little trouble & delay as may be — desiring their acceptance thereof as all the Token I now have to give them of my Love for them.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 20th day of May, 1788.

Mary Washington (Seal)

Witness: John Ferneyhough.

Signed, sealed, and published in our

presence, and signed by us in the presence

of the said Mary Washington and at her


Jas. Mercer

Joseph Walker


At a Court of Hustings, held for the town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the 23d day of October, 1789–

The last will and testament of Mary Washington, deceased, was proved by the oath of James Mercer,Esq., one of the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be certified.

Teste: Jno. Chew, C.C.H.

At a Court of Hustings, held for the town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the 22d day of October, 1804–

The last will and testament of Mary Washington, deceased, was further proved by the oath of Joseph Walker, another witness thereto, and ordered to be recorded.

Teste: Jno. Chew, C.C.H.