1850 Washington DC Mortality Schedule     Search   Export to CSV

809 items found  (Total items:809)
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Page 70 of 81
Name   Age   Sex   Color   Where Born   Month Died   Cause   Occupation  
Elizabeth Wells 6FemaleNegroDCDECBurned
Phillip Wells 9MaleNegroDCDECBurned
Rachel Wells 12FemaleNegroDCDECBurned
David Whitlow 30MaleNegroMDDECBurnedLaborer
N. Williams 50FemaleNegroDCFEBUnknown
May Alexander 70FemaleNegroMDDECRheumatism
Ben Allen 26MaleNegroDCMAYSmall Pox
Lyttleton Allen 27MaleNegroMDUNKMumps
Lewis Anderson 50MaleNegroDCJANSmall PoxLaborer
John Atkinson 27MaleNegroMDAPRBrain DiseaseLaborer
