1850 Washington DC Mortality Schedule     Search   Export to CSV

809 items found  (Total items:809)
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Page 4 of 81
Name   Age   Sex   Color   Where Born   Month Died   Cause   Occupation  
John Smith 6Mos.MaleNegroMDAPRWater on the brain
Robert Pope16MaleWhiteVAAPRDropsy
Juliet Prentiss8Mos.FemaleWhiteDCAPRWhooping Cough
Isaac Prentiss3MaleWhiteVAAPRWhooping Cough
Sophia Bowie 9FemaleNegroDCAPRScarlet Fever
Michael Briceson1MaleWhiteDCAPRTeething
Emma Ellicot1Mos.FemaleWhiteMDAPRUnknown
Charles Edelin40MaleWhiteMDAPRConsumptionBlacksmith
Mary Broom 50FemaleNegroUNKAPRApoplexy
Barbara Ducket 9FemaleNegroMDAPRSmall Pox
