1850 Washington DC Mortality Schedule     Search   Export to CSV

809 items found  (Total items:809)
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Page 6 of 81
Name   Age   Sex   Color   Where Born   Month Died   Cause   Occupation  
Elizabeth Towns64FemaleWhiteMDNOVPleurisy
A. Tinney 5Mos.FemaleMulattoDCDECSmall Pox
E. Wright 7FemaleWhitePDUNKUnknown
Mary Smoot2FemaleWhiteMDFEBScarlet Fever
Amelia Sewell50FemaleWhiteMDJANHeart Disease
Elizabeth Prindle73FemaleWhiteMDJULDropsy
Juliet Prentiss8Mos.FemaleWhiteDCAPRWhooping Cough
J. Shackleford 8FemaleWhiteDCAUGDiarrhea
Julia Purcell27FemaleWhitePAUNKWhite Swelling
E. Prather 30FemaleWhiteMDNOVConsumption
