1850 Washington DC Mortality Schedule     Search   Export to CSV

809 items found  (Total items:809)
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Page 79 of 81
Name   Age   Sex   Color   Where Born   Month Died   Cause   Occupation  
John Smith 6Mos.MaleNegroMDAPRWater on the brain
C. Brown 9Mos.MaleMulattoDCNOVWater on the brain
Adam Burch3MaleWhiteDCJULWater on the brain
William Christian1MaleWhiteNJJUNWater on the brain
Isabella Davis7FemaleWhiteDCMAYWater on the brain
Julia Purcell27FemaleWhitePAUNKWhite Swelling
James Warden13MaleWhiteDCOCTWhite Swil(?)
J. Wesley6Mos.MaleWhiteVAJULWhooping Cough
Jane West3FemaleWhiteNYJANWhooping Cough
Susan Wimer6Mos.FemaleWhiteDCMAYWhooping Cough
