Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

3101 items found  (Total items:3101)
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Page 17 of 311
Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsJuly 15, 1862959Allison Nailor6Sallie Butler$5,400.00 for all 6  438
DetailsJuly 15, 1862949Eugene Sweeny2Rose West$1,600.00   350.4
DetailsJuly 15, 1862934O. Sullivan3Barry Grimsley Brant$1,500.00   569.4
DetailsJuly 15, 1862934O. Sullivan3Charlotte Hudley$1,500.00   461.8
DetailsJuly 15, 1862934O. Sullivan3Rose Lee-------------  394.2
DetailsJuly 15, 1862935Thomas P. Scott1Daniel Hickman$1,000.00   $219.00
DetailsJuly 15, 1862936Virginia Scott1Catharine Johnston$1,000.00   525.6
DetailsJuly 15, 1862937Martha E. Harris1Mary Ann$1,000.00   Not produced
DetailsJuly 15, 1862938Dennis Johnson2George Quander$1,400.00   Not produced
DetailsJuly 15, 1862938Dennis Johnson2Niel Quander$1,400.00   Not produced
