A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 187 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
Cotton CarrolleLouisiana March 281906
Howlet Carroll CountyVirginia June 201898 For murder
Jack Johnson Carroll CountyGeorgia August 201884 For rape. Johnson was
shot to death by a gang
of blacks who had waited
outside the jail until
Johnson was allowed to
relieve himself.
(Lynching in the New
John Meadows CarmelGeorgia August 81898 For alleged rape
Jacob Bowers CarlisleArkansas September 121915
William Tyler CarlisleKentucky July 261894
Louis Senegal CareneroLouisiana March 241896
Joe Rodgers CantonMississippi May 81939
Four Unknown Negroes Caney SpringsTennessee October 71901
Henry Mason Campbell CountyVirginia November 301885 For murder
