For miscegenation.
Towler was lynched by his
white employer because of
his sexual relationship
with the man's daughter a
relationship that was
common knowledge in the
town where the two lived.
(Lynching in the New
South pg. 66)
Peter Stamps
Douglas County
July 24
For miscegenation.
Stamps had been a secret
lover of his white
employer's 16 year old
daughter For about a year
before impregnating her.
Though the girl refused
to accuse him of rape he
became the victim of a
lynch mob. The girl
eventually committed sui
Arthur Jordan
Fauquier County
January 19
For miscegenation.
Arthur Jordan ran off
with and married his
white employer's
daughter. The employer
had him arrested in
Washington D.C. and
returned to Fauquier
County to stand trial on
charges of bigamy (Jordan
allegedly already had a
black wife). A