A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 6 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
John Johnson Tazewell CountyVirginia February 11893 For assault
Lem Johnson Brunswick CountyVirginia August 31921 For murder
Arthur Jordan Fauquier CountyVirginia January 191880 For miscegenation.
Arthur Jordan ran off
with and married his
white employer's
daughter. The employer
had him arrested in
Washington D.C. and
returned to Fauquier
County to stand trial on
charges of bigamy (Jordan
allegedly already had a
black wife). A
Charles Miller Alleghany CountyVirginia October 171891 For assault and riot. A
policeman in Clifton
Forge Virginia tried to
arrest a group of miners
(Bob Burton Charles
Miller John and William
Scott) for boisterous
intimidating behavior.
They resisted arrest and
made their way out of
town and back to the mi
Elmer (Elmore?) Moseley Sussex or Prince George
Virginia January 141904 For murder. Mosely was
acquitted of killing his
black neighbor in front
of the man's family. A
group of blacks lynched
Mosely as he returned
from the trial. (Lynching
in the New South pg. 30).
Kellis Moorman Henry CountyVirginia April 191886 For assault
Arthur Morgan Tazewell CountyVirginia April 161893 For murder
Jesse Mitchell Amelia CountyVirginia September 151983 For rape
Henry Mason Campbell CountyVirginia November 301885 For murder
William Lavender Roanoke CountyVirginia February 121892 For attempted rape
