A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 166 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
Azariah Curtis ButlerAlabama December 71912
William Wardley IrondaleAlabama December 71896
Sam Poydrass Lake CharlesLouisiana December 71901
Robert Greenwood Cross CountyArkansas December 71893
Unknown Negro JellicoTennessee December 71892
Dan Long Wythe CountyVirginia December 71900 For rape
Two Unknown Negroes CliftonTennessee December 61911
Unknown Negro CliftonTennessee December 61911
William Allen Warwick CountyVirginia December 61881 For murder. In 1881
after months of arguments
and threatened fights
between William Allen a
drayman and a white man
he drove to work each
morning Allen challenged
the man to a fight and in
the struggle that
followed killed him.
(Lynching in the New
Hearn BentonLouisiana December 61898
