A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 179 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
Ulyssess Nalls BlackfordKentucky November 81894
William Barnes MontezumaGeorgia November 81910
William Rice specific locality
Arkansas November 81891
Owen (Orion?) Anderson LeesburgVirginia November 81889 For frightening a white
girl. Anderson was
lynched For putting a bag
on his head and
frightening a white
female friend as she
walked to school.
(Lynching in the New
South pg. 61)
Lee Lawrence Jasper CountyGeorgia November 81894 For alleged rape
John Walker MontezumaGeorgia November 81910
William Nixon DelhiLouisiana November 81911
Jet Hinks Lee CountyMississippi November 81906
Benjamin Jackson QuincyMississippi November 81893
Robert Kennedy SpartanburgSouth Carolina November 81893
