A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 207 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
James Carter AmherstVirginia April 61902 For assault. Wandering
stock created mounting
difficulties between
James Carter and his
white neighbor and
climaxed in 1902 when the
white accused Carter of
setting fire to his
outhouse. During the
ensuing fight Carter shot
and wounded his
assailant. Ly
Abner Anthony Bath CountyVirginia February 261893 For attempted rape
Scott Bailey HalifaxVirginia April 231889 For attempted rape
James Black Dinwiddie CountyVirginia April 121880 For attempted rape
Robert Bland PetersburgVirginia November 231889 For attempted rape
Isaac Brandon Charles City CountyVirginia April 61892 For attempted rape
Andrew Dudley GreenfieldVirginia August 41904 For attempted rape
Samuel Garner BluefieldVirginia September 161889 For attempted rape
Wiley Gwynn Wise CountyVirginia June 51902 For attempted rape
William Lavender Roanoke CountyVirginia February 121892 For attempted rape
