An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 121 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Blackwell, MurphyEdward Bryant (there is
the word "sold"
written through his first
and last name)
 20 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyKitty Lee 20 brownM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyLizze Caldwell 20 brownM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyClarra An Arnold 20 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyOlivia Bates 20 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
T&J ArterburnPerry 20 blackG. W. Davis, John Lintner
KentuckyJeffersonSept 13 1860130
T&J ArterburnWright 20 blackG. W. Davis, John Lintner
KentuckyJeffersonSept 13 1860130
Megonan & ThomasEliza 20 copper"Slaves in number 10
wimen and girls 2 men in
all 12 slaves of W.T.D.
Megonan and W.K. Thomas.
W.P. Davis, J. C.
Hamilton witnesses.
City of Louisville,
JeffersonNov 28 1860132
Blackwell & MurphyOleavia Bates  20 blackM.A. Collins , W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteJan 23 1861136
T&J ArterburnGabe 21 copperJames Hughes & G.W.
Davis witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 29 18584
