An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 3 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
W.F White & Co.Mary McGee 20 yellowLeslie Graves & G.M.
Graves witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 24 185824
W.F White & Co.Teleth 17 yellowLeslie Graves & G.M.
Graves witnesses
KentuckyFayetteNov 24 185824
Blackwell, Murphy &
Patsy and her three year
old child
 22FemaleyellowM.A. Collins & Jas W.
White witnesses
KentuckyFayetteDec 15 185833
T&J ArterburnEdwina 16 yellowJames Hughes & G.W.
Davis witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 30 18583
Blackwell, Murphy &
Ellen 16 yellowElias D. Ball & W.A.
Harris witnesses
KentuckyBoyleNov 20 185820
T. & J. ArterburnHarvey 21MaleyellowG.W. Davis & J.
Hughes witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonDec 24 185840
Pierce Griffin & W.A.
Lucy 23 yellowJonh A McCampbell &
Obadiah Griffin
witnesses. "The said
Griffin & Pullam came
lawfully into the
possession of said slaves
and said slaves was
removed to the State of
Mississippi by said
Griffin & Pullum for
KentuckyShelbyDec 4 185826
Pierce Griffin & W.A.
Jack 27 yellowJonh A McCampbell &
Obadiah Griffin
witnesses. "The said
Griffin & Pullam came
lawfully into the
possession of said slaves
and said slaves was
removed to the State of
Mississippi by said
Griffin & Pullum for
KentuckyShelbyDec 4 185826
Pierce Griffin & W.A.
Edward 21 yellowJonh A McCampbell &
Obadiah Griffin
witnesses. "The said
Griffin & Pullam came
lawfully into the
possession of said slaves
and said slaves was
removed to the State of
Mississippi by said
Griffin & Pullum for
KentuckyShelbyDec 4 185826
Griffin & PullumJohn 14MaleyellowE.J. Smith & J.
Sheppard witnesses
KentuckyFayetteDec 6 185825
