An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 37 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Edward HerndonAnn Maria 0  Wm H. Betts, R P Pullian,
Richmond, VA May 27, 1859114
Henry HarrisMary 0  Abner W Doyle, Jacob F
Harris, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyJan 14 1860113
Henry HarrisJohn 0  Abner W Doyle, Jacob F
Harris, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyJan 14 1860113
Henry HarrisJim 0  Abner W Doyle, Jacob F
Harris, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyJan 14 1860113
Henry HarrisIsham 0  Abner W Doyle, Jacob F
Harris, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyJan 14 1860113
Henry HarrisGeorge 0  Abner W Doyle, Jacob F
Harris, witnesses
KentuckyShelbyJan 14 1860113
Griffin & PullumDick 0 BrownFrank Lisle, Robert H
Thompson, witnesses (this
same slave appears in
another certificate, same
county/state &
witnesses dated Oct 11
KentuckyFayetteJan 5 1860112
Griffin & PullumDaniel 0 BlackFrank Lisle, Robert H
Thompson, witnesses (this
same slave appears in
another certificate, same
county/state &
witnesses dated Oct 11
KentuckyFayetteJan 5 1860112
Griffin & PullumCharles 0 CopperFrank Lisle, Robert H
Thompson, witnesses (this
same slave appears in
another certificate, same
county/state &
witnesses dated Oct 11
KentuckyFayetteJan 5 1860112
Griffin & PullumAnn 0 BrownFrank Lisle, Robert H
Thompson, witnesses (this
same slave appears in
another certificate, same
county/state &
witnesses dated Oct 11
KentuckyFayetteJan 5 1860112
