An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 5 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Blackwell, MurphyMary An Johnson 24 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyHarret Ellis 35 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyMargaret Lockridge 15 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyMinta Cornelisen  49 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyLucy Jane Eves  15 yellowM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyLucy An Clasy 13 brownM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyLucinda Jane McAlister  16 brownM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyLouisa Reed 14 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyLaurind Pullum & her
2 year old child
 17FemaleblackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
Blackwell, MurphyLarnud Burns 26 brownM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860129
