An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 156 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Blackwell, Murphy &
Suilda(?) Eveline(?) 11 BlackW A Collins, W B
Thompson, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 185980
Blackwell, Murphy &
Thomason 16 BrownW A Collins, W B
Thompson, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 185980
Blackwell, Murphy &
Yansy 20 BrownW A Collins, W B
Thompson, witnesses
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 185980
Blackwell, MurphyAnthony Garnet 20 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyCary Harper 19 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyCharles Henry 13 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyDavid Hall 23 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyDavid Martin 40 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyEdward Bryant (there is
the word "sold"
written through his first
and last name)
 20 copperM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
Blackwell, MurphyEdward Washington 14 blackM.A. Collins & W.B.
Thompson witnesses.
KentuckyFayetteSept 8 1860128
