An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 161 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
T&J ArterburnPolly 16 blackJames Hughes & G.W.
Davis witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 29 18583
T&J ArterburnSara White 20 yellowSara White has the same
last name as the slave
trader Robert K. White of
Jefferson Co. James
Hughes & G.W. Davis
KentuckyJeffersonOct 29 18583
T&J ArterburnViolet 16 blackJames Hughes & G.W.
Davis witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 29 18583
T&J ArterburnLouisa 25FemaleblackJames W. Brannon &
T.J. Brannon witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 29 18582
T&J ArterburnSarah 17FemaleblackJohn Clark & Andy
Baker witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 30 18582
T&J ArterburnEdward 24MaleblackJohn Fisher & George
Howard witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonNov 3 18581
T&J ArterburnWilliam 27MaleblackE.L. Huffman & George
Abell witnesses
KentuckyJeffersonOct 23 18581
SlaveownerSlaveParent(s)0SexColorOtherStateCountyDate Source0
