Various Virginia Mortality Schedules     Search   Export to CSV

818 items found  (Total items:818)
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Page 61 of 82
Year   County   Name   Age   Sex   Color   Free or Slave   Married or Widow   Birth   Month Died   Occupation   Cause   Days Ill  
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Sally B. Taylor4FemaleWhite   JAN Whooping cough
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Sally Colluna40FemaleBlackSlave  MAYCook womanPleurisy
1860Gloucester CountySally Cooke55FBF VirginiaDec. Pneumonia2 weeks
1860Accomack County, Prince
George Parish
Sally Holt6FemaleWhite   JUN Dropsy
1860Isle of Wight CountySam Stephens30MBS VirginiaAprilServant 4
1860Charles City CountySam Wallace11MaleMulattoFree VirginiaJuly Pneumonia
1860Isle of Wight CountySaml. J. Eley2M   VirginiaSept. Congestion of brain2
1860Isle of Wight CountySampson Banks12-MarMBF VirginiaApril Chicken Pox7
1860Gloucester CountySamuel1MBS VirginiaMay Cholic2 days
1860Gloucester CountySamuel25MBS VirginiaMarchFarm handLock jaw1 week
