Various Virginia Mortality Schedules     Search   Export to CSV

818 items found  (Total items:818)
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Page 52 of 82
Year   County   Name   Age   Sex   Color   Free or Slave   Married or Widow   Birth   Month Died   Occupation   Cause   Days Ill  
1860Gloucester CountyM. V. Scott1F   VirginiaApril Unknown12 hours
1860Gloucester CountyAmanda3FBS VirginiaApril Worms4 days
1860Gloucester CountyPhedora3FBS VirginiaApril Diphtheria3 weeks
1860Gloucester CountyPhillis80FBS VirginiaFeby.Farm handOld age1 month
1860Gloucester CountyNancy63FBS VirginiaMayFarm handUnknown2 days
1860Gloucester CountyByrd3MMS VirginiaJune Dropsy1 year
1860Gloucester CountyMary Chapman16FMF VirginiaJany. Unknown2 days
1860Gloucester CountyEmily F. Nutall7/12/01F   VirginiaSept. Fits1 day
1860Gloucester CountyHarriet Butler57F  WPennsylvaniaSept. Consumption6 months
1860Gloucester CountyJohn Hemmingway23M   MaineSept.BricklayerTyphoid fever2 weeks
