Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

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Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsMay 13, 1862164Elizabeth O’Reiley3Dick Smith1200  525.6
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Edward Lee1000  262.8
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Nelly Mitchell1000  197.1
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Mary Smith1000  503.7
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21James Dangerfield50  43.8
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Kitty Mitchell1200  525.6
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Joseph L. Burnett50  21.9
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21John Mitchell1200  613.2
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Anthony Jefferson1700  569.4
DetailsMay 13, 1862163Catharine Pearson21Jenny Butler350  21.9
