Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863     Search   Export to CSV

3101 items found  (Total items:3101)
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Page 283 of 311
Date   Docket   Petitioners   No of slaves   Slaves   Claimants Value   Assessors Value   Commissions Value   Remarks  
DetailsMay 27, 1862464Susannah P. Bryan2Caroline Henson300  131.4
DetailsMay 27, 1862472Ann M. Hill2Mary Fletcher800  131.4
DetailsJune 18, 1862715Bladen Forrest8John Carter$300.00   131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862723Ann Roberts4Harriet Gordon$3,600.00 for all 4  131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862727Emily Long1Lin$300.00   131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862729Henry Naylor, trustee of
Geo. Marbury
1James Williams$500.00   131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862732Ammon Green2Charles Mahoney$500.00   131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862740Philip T. Berry13Sophia Beall$11,000.00 for all 13  131.4
DetailsJune 20, 1862741Clark Mills11Ellick, Letty Howard's
$400.00   131.4
DetailsJune 21, 1862752Margaret Ann Miller2Charlotte$2,000.00 for both  131.4
