A Partial Listing of Negroes Lynched in the United States Since 1859     Search   Export to CSV

2162 items found  (Total items:2162)
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Page 153 of 217
Name   City   State   Date   Year   Comments  
John Grange FranklinKentucky July 251891
Marshall Boston FrankfortKentucky August 141894
Joseph Lamb FrancisvilleLouisiana November 261902
John Williams FowistownGeorgia September 71898 
Unknown Negro Fort WhiteFlorida June 171891
Banjo Peavey Fort ValleyGeorgia June 81903 For alleged murder
William Jones Fort DepositAlabama December 191914
Anderson Moreland ForsytheGeorgia June 111892
Owen Opietress ForsytheGeorgia June 181894
John Jessy ForsythGeorgia August 301892 
