An Adams County, Mississippi Record Book     Search   Export to CSV

1608 items found  (Total items:1608)
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Page 95 of 161
Slaveowner   Slave   Parents   Age   Sex   Color   Other   State   County   Date   Page  
Edward HerndonRobert (written
"George &
Robert" like they
are brothers)
 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonHarriette 0  Till Jones, Leonard T.
Slater, witnesses
Richmond, VA Sept 6 185847
Edward HerndonAndrew 0  Till Jones, Leonard T.
Slater, witnesses
Richmond, VA Sept 6 185847
Edward HerndonGeorge (written
"George &
Robert" like they
are brothers)
 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonWilliam (written
"Virgil &
William" possible
 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonVirginia 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonVirgil (written
"Virgil &
William" possible
 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonSam 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonSarah 0  Thomas Otey, John W.
Wells witnesses.
VirginiaRichmondJune 29 1860132
Edward HerndonHarrison 0  Till Jones, Leonard T.
Slater, witnesses
Richmond, VA Sept 6 185847
