Dist. Court of the U. S. for the Dist. of Col. Clerk of the Court “Fugitive Slave Cases, 1862,” May 15-19, 1862 (By file date or affidavit)

Original papers in fugitive slave cases before the Circuit Court of the U.S. for the District of Columbia consisting of claimants petitions, affidavits for arrest of fugitive slaves, warrants of arrest, depositions, court orders to deliver fugitive slaves to claimants, and related papers.

Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Publication M433 “Records of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863, Roll 3.

Samuel R. Bird vs. Elijah Hawkins Henry Dorsey & Jane his wife James Denny Nick Boston John Jones & Nick Jones District of Columbia, to wit:

Before me Andrew Wylie a Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia aforesaid personally appeared this 22nd day of April 1863 Samuel R. Bird, who being duly sworn says that he is a citizen and resident of Calvert County, Maryland; that he is the lawful owner and possessor of the following named Negroes, all of whom are slaves for life owing service and labor to affiant under the laws of the said State, and that said Negroes have absconded from the possession of affiant and are fugitives from the labor and service due as aforesaid, and, as affiant verily believes are now within this District. Affiant further swears that he has not borne arms against the United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid or comfort thereto. Names of slaves: Elijah Hawkins, Henry Dorsey & his wife Jane; James Denny; Nick Boston; John & Nick Jones; all of whom absconded as aforesaid, on or about the third day of March last. Saml. R. Bird Sworn & subscribed before me the day & year above mentioned.

Andrew Wylie To R. J. Meigs Esq., clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia Issue warrant for the arrest of the within named alleged fugitives from service returnable forthwith before me at chambers.

Andrew Wylie Justice of S. Ct. D. C. April 22, 1863

Samuel R. Bird Disclaimer as to all the fugitives except Elijah Hawkins Filed 23 April 1863

In the matter of the application of Samuel R. Bird for the arrest of certain alleged fugitives from service, viz: Henry Dorsey and his wife Jane; James Denny; Nick Boston; John and Nick; and Elijah Hawkins; and the warrant issued for the arrest of the same, from the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, on the 22nd day of April 1863, the above named Samuel R. Bird being convinced that he has committed an error in claiming to be the exclusive owner of the said Henry Dorsey and his wife Jane, James Denny, Nick Boston, John and Nick, makes request that this disclaimer be placed on record in order that said error may be corrected. And he now wishes it to be understood & ordered that the above proceedings be confined to the case of the said Elijah Hawkins, slave. Saml. R. Bird R. J. Meigs, Clerk &c

Please file this paper among the proceedings in the above matter.

Andrew Wylie Justice &c April 23, 1863