National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 666
Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General (Record Group 94) (MAIN SERIES) 1871 -1880 Roll 67, 1872
Papers relating to crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, 1869 – 1879
Camp Guntersville, Alabama, Aug. 4th, 1869
Lieut. James Ulio 2nd Inf. Post Adjt. Huntsville, Ala.
Sir: For the information of the Bvt. Maj. Genl. Comdg. the Post, I have the honor to enclose a sworn statement of a colored man named Isham Henry. He did not like to swear before a magistrate for fear of his life, I therefore took down his statement, and made him make affidavit to it. He states that bodies of men, armed and masked, have passed and repassed his house very frequently during the past two weeks, and that their object was to intimidate colored people from voting unless they would vote the Democratic ticket, and I have learned that ten out of the sixty odd colored men who voted in this town on the second were influenced to do so by those night prowling vagabonds. The Sheriff I have not seen for a month. I am Very Respectfully, Your Obdt. Servt. Geo. H. McLoughlin Capt. 2nd Inf. Bvt. Maj. USA Comdg. the Camp A True Copy James Miller 1st Lieut. 2nd Infantry Post Adjutant Statement of Isham Henry, (colored) In the month of March last six men came to my house, they were all masked, two of them wore scarlet stockings, they took me from my house to the road, made me strip and gave me ten lashes. On the 2nd of August 1869, three men (masked) came to my house, they made me give them my gun (Army rifle), the gun was again returned me, with the question is it loaded, I was made to fire it off, they then cocked and presented their fire arms at me saying take your gun and break it on that log, meaning a log near by, or we will shoot you. To save my life I broke the gun. One of the men who made me break my gun I recognized as a neighbor a white man named Jesse McGee, the others I did not recognise.
(signed) Isham (X) Henry
Sworn to and subscribed before me this fourth day of August 1869 at Guntersville, Alabama.
(signed) Geo. H. McLoughlin Capt. 2nd Inf. Bvt. Maj., USA Comdg. Camp
A True Copy
James Miller 1st Lieut. 2nd Infantry Post Adjutant