National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 666
Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General (Record Group 94) (MAIN SERIES) 1871 -1880 Roll 67, 1872
Papers relating to crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, 1869 – 1879
Affidavit of Lewis M. Douglas The State of Alabama Madison County
Personally appeared before me, Lewis M. Douglas, Judge of the Probate Court in and for said County and State James Landford who after being duly sworn deposeth and say that about midnight on the night of the 24th day of July A. D. 1869 a band of armed men in disguise came to my house and asked if a man named William Campbell lived in my place. I told them there was. They then asked if there was not a difficulty between myself and him. I told them that there had been but that it was settled, and that there was no difficulty between us now. They said that there was a difficulty between us that is not settled meaning the disguised men, and then asked for water, and they left. The next morning a black man came to my house and told me that William Campbell had been killed that night by a band of disguised men, and that he wanted to get some lumber to make a coffin out of. I went to the house and found that the man had been shot three times and was dead and on that day he was buried. I also found a pistol cylinder that was broken laying in the yard. The wife of the man who was shot says that there about fifteen of the disguised men in the gang that did the shooting.
(Sd) James Sanford
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of July A. D. 1869 (Sgd.)
Lewis M. Douglas Judge Probate
A true copy
James Miller 1st Lieut. 2nd Infantry Post Adjutant