National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 666
Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General
(Record Group 94)

(MAIN SERIES) 1871 -1880
Roll 67, 1872

Papers relating to crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, 1869 – 1879

Huntsville, Ala.
June 15, 1869
George (X) Cornelous
Makes affidavit in regard to Ku Klux Klan taking guns from Plantation on which he is working also from adjoining Plantations – also searching all houses for money and arms. June 5, 1869.

The State of Alabama
Madison County

Personally appeared before me Lewis M. Douglas Judge of Probate in and for said County George Cornelous who after being duly sworn states that on Saturday night June 5th 1869 the Ku Klux Klan numbering twelve came to the Plantation upon which he was working and took four guns off the Plantation and took eight guns from an adjoining Plantation. They also examined all the houses for money, and asked if we knew who had guns, pistols and money. And further say that there is not a colored man in the Big Cove that had a gun or pistol they all having been taken by the Ku Klux Klan and says that the Plantation upon which he is working belongs to the Widow Waid.

George (X) Cornelous

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of June A. D. 1869
(signed) Lewis M. Douglas
Judge Probate Court

James Miller
1st Lieut. 2nd Infty.
Post Adjutant