National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 666
Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General
(Record Group 94)
(MAIN SERIES) 1871 -1880
Roll 67, 1872
Papers relating to crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, 1869 – 1879
Lebanon, DeKalb Co., Alabama
October 1st, 1869
Miller, James Lt. 2nd Inf.
Submits statement and documents in continuation and completion of his report of the 29th inst. in regard to the late election.
Lebanon, DeKalb Co., Ala.
October 1st, 1869
S. R. Curmbaugh, 2nd Inf.
Post Adjt. Huntsville
In compliance with instructions contained in your communication of the 20th and in completion of my report of the 29th I respy. Submit the following:
A copy of two affidavits regarding the use of threatening and intimidating language in regard to colored voters is endorsed (marked “A”), of themselves they may not be important, but taking into account the position of the person who recommended that the Negroes should not be allowed to vote, the time and place when spoken, and the fact of Dox’s recommendations that and the promise of his adherents that it should be complied with were carried out, they become decisive of this point. That so far from these utterances and acts being true of a few ignorant and lawless men, for which no party they might attach themselves too would be justly held responsible, they were the results of a settled policy, advocated and encouraged by the representative men of the party.
The conversation alluded to in the affidavit was held in a portion of the County known as “Langforde Beat” District No. 9. In this district there were 11 colored voters registered. Not one of them voted.
In the entire county there are 72 colored voters, of this number 38 voted or little more than half (see Document “B”).
Of these 38 votes 19 were cast at Lebanon and were all Republicans. In the other thirteen Districts only 99 votes (colored) were cast altogether and of these a large proportion were for Dox the Democratic candidate. The reason for this may be found in the fact that Lebanon was strongly Republican and it was known that the Republicans of the village and vicinity had organized and armed, to put down with a strong hand any attempt at intimidation of voters upon the day of election.
It may be as well for me to state that the person by the name of Dox alluded to in the affidavits was the Democratic candidate for District Judge.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Miller
1st Lt. 2nd Infty.
State of Alabama
DeKalb Co.
8″ Sept. 1869
Stewart, (X) John
Davis, (X) Isadus H.
Affidavit in regard to what they heard P. M. Dox say about Negroes voting &c.
State of Alabama
DeKalb Co.
Personally appeared before me A. J. Horton Judge of Probate in and for said State & County, John S. Stewart, who being duly sworn deposes and says that some time in the latter part of July or the first of August 1869 at the Gibson meeting house in said County, he the said Stewart heard P. M. Dox say to a small squad of so-called Democrats that if he (Dox) were them, the Negroes should not vote.
John (X) Stewart
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of September 1869
(signed) A. J. Horton
Judge of Probate
Isadus H. Davis the same day at a different place heard Dox make the same remarks as sworn to by Stewart and a number of the people to whom his remarks were addressed replied “No they” (the Negroes) “shan’t vote about here.”
Isadus (X) H. Davis
Sworn to the 8th of Sept. 1869 before me
(signed) A. J. Horton
Judge of Probate